Blog 42:  Why am I unlucky? Nine things you can do to make your own luck – a three part series – PART 1

sign make your own luck drawing a fourth leaf on a three leaf clover
©Nathan S Collier

Sometimes we just feel unlucky. Have you ever felt others seem to be getting all the breaks whereas you just feel stuck?  This three-part series aims to give you some hope and direction to get some traction and make your own luck.  Draw that fourth leaf and make your own four-leaf clover.  But the key is to apply yourself to the practical suggestions in these three blogs.  Let’s go . . .   

1. Reflect on your situation

Reflecting is a common theme in the Your life caddy blogs.  Stop your whirlwind and make a mind map of what you feel is happening to you.  Why do you feel unlucky? What are the big issues?  What are the problems and the possible solutions?  Try and drill into the root cause.  Is this about a project?  Colleagues? Your work environment?  Your supervisors? 

The key with this step . . . is to actually do it.  Don’t just read past this step.  Do it.  Now.  Grab a coffee and a quiet spot.  Dig deep.  What’s happening to you? 

example mind map

2. Focus on what you can control

    You can only control what you can control.  Take some time to filter what you can and can’t control.  Those things you can’t control . . . slide them off to one side.  Let’s look closely at the aspects you can control. 

    • You are in control of your attitude.
    • You are in control of your work ethic
    • You are in control of how you approach challenges.

    Remember what employers most want is someone who is:

    • Hungry,
    • Humble, and
    • Smart (emotional intelligence)

    You are in control of these six dot points.  Stop that whirlwind again and consider how you can control these six points.  It will change your focus from what you can’t control to what you can

    always focus on whats within your control
    ©Omar Itani

    3. Seek feedback

      Let’s get some perspective on this.  How many of the issues are real and how much is projecting intent or mind reading?  You’ve done some good work and have a mind map and a list of what you can control.  There is some good positive thinking here.  It’s time to check your perspectives.  Find a couple of people who are on your side – people who understand your situation and you, people who care for you and want the best for you.  Positive people. 

      Explain your situation to them.  Be honest and vulnerable.  You’ll find you gain more clarity as you get out of your head and are objective and outline your issues.  Share your mind map and what you think you can control.  Ask for their insight, maybe there are other ways to see this situation.  Be curious and willing to learn.  Look for areas where you can improve. 

      You can only change you. 

      And don’t be afraid to reach out for help.  Consider talking to a supervisor, your HR department or a professional counsellor. There is guidance and support out there to help you navigate through challenges.

      Life is full of ups and downs.  That’s the normal cycle of life. Be proactive and take these steps to gain some control and adopt a positive growth mindset.  You can improve your work situation and overall job satisfaction.

      Make your own luck.

      The harder you work, the luckier you get.

      Next week we’ll provide another three strategies to turn your luck around.  But for now . . . do your homework.  Your plan for the week is all set out above. 

      Your life caddy

      Your life caddy . . . when you need coaching, whether that’s life coaching, business coaching, entrepreneurial coaching or mentoring . . . to reset those attitudes, gain strategies with data driven approaches or build new habits and rhythms to give yourself that performance edge . . . Your life caddy is here for you. Subscribe now to keep up to date with weekly blogs, each one based on burning questions from professionals like you, seeking help.