So far, we have shared six things you can do to make your own luck. The last three to complete this series are provided this week. i hope the staggered release of these aspects has provided you time to reflect and think, and perhaps share your journey with others. So today, let’s visit the last three things you can put in your game . . . to improve your luck!
7. Take Breaks: Margins
Margins and reflective time have been a recurrent theme in the Your life caddy series. Taking time to reflect, ponder and pray is key to not only keep you in a healthy mental and physical space, but to ensure you are thinking strategically. Think of margins as making an investment in you – and you are worth it.
So make sure you find those margins for strategic planning and assessment in your life’s rhythms. You’ll need some time annually to assess the year that’s past and recalibrate your goals for the year to come. Make sure they are written down somewhere safe and accessible. You’ll need to revisit them regularly. Each quarter and/or month you should revisit your annual goals to check your progress and make adjustments. Then you should have perhaps an hour each week to plan the week to come. Take a look back at blog series on time management (blogs 31 to 35) to ensure you are operating in Quadrant 2. And then there should be a short time each evening when you plan the following day and assemble your to do list as well as check your schedule. The battle of the day is fought the night before.
And before we leave margins, make sure you take breaks during the workday to recharge. Short breaks can help reduce stress and improve focus. So, there is a bigger theme in margins about maintaining work-life balance. Balancing work and personal life is crucial for overall well-being and can contribute to a more positive outlook on your job. You may find you want to go back to Blog 21 on juggling tips for a refresher on maintaining the work-life tension.
You are a human being not a human doing!

©Consciously awesome
8. Celebrate Achievements
Even the little ones. Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Recognizing your successes can boost your confidence and motivation. Perhaps in your monthly reflection time you could keep a list of wins for that month. That will keep you looking for the good and positive things in your life as well as the small incremental progress you’re making toward your big goals. When you reach a significant milestone . . . treat yourself. It may be something from your rich life. Savour the moment. You have made it to the top of one of your mountains. Plant the flag and take a photo!

9. Explore New Opportunities
If you consistently feel unlucky at your current job, and not making any progress, then it might be worth exploring other opportunities. This doesn’t necessarily mean changing jobs immediately, but keeping an eye out for potential openings or networking in your industry can help. If nothing else the process of emotionally packing your bags can give you another perspective on your current predicament. You may find there are other opportunities out there you haven’t even thought of (or allowed yourself to think of). You may be more marketable than what you think . . . especially as you’re hungry, humble and smart!
So there you have it – nine proactive actions you can take when work is getting you down and you feel just plain unlucky. Remember, you don’t have to feel like that . . . you can make your own luck.

©Joseph Ranseth
Apply yourself.
Your life caddy
Your life caddy . . . when you need coaching, whether that’s life coaching, business coaching, entrepreneurial coaching or mentoring . . . to reset those attitudes, gain strategies with data driven approaches or build new habits and rhythms to give yourself that performance edge . . . Your life caddy is here for you. Subscribe now to keep up to date with weekly blogs, each one based on burning questions from professionals like you, seeking help.