©Good good good
And so that is one year of Your life caddy blogs. For those who have journeyed through this past year, i hope you have experienced growth and feel someone ‘gets’ your struggles. The end of this year marks a turning point in the caddying service.
Each of the 52 blogs in this first year’s series was researched and written in response to issues shared by you . . . the people we caddy. And now . . . we have a name for you . . . you are . . .
Growth Oriented People
The issues you have shared reflect your hunger for growth, to get out of your rut, to rise above. You wanted strategies, confidence, optimism, tools, direction, peace, perspective, outcomes . . . hope. And caddying has aimed to serve that to you. And if you are reading this, the very act of finding yourself to this site indicates you are someone hungry for growth and looking for change.
You are a GOP (a Growth Oriented Person)
So, in an effort to meet your hunger for growth and change, here’s some actions we are taking to better caddy you in the coming year in an effort to provide you with more and improved caddying . . .
The first year of blogs will be improved and repeated. All 52 will be improved and republished once a week on a Wednesday. Again each of the topics were from GOP like you. They were burning issues, blockers and questions. We know issues like these reoccur and the caddying responses will still prove valuable. Moreover, the cycle of the Your life caddy blogs are designed to provide input at a set time of the week (Wednesday AEST) and provide you time to reflect. Bite sized chunks of growth. So, we want to keep you on that diet while . . .
We include a feedback button so you can send through comments and questions. It’ll be a space for you to provide feedback or a response which can be used for future blogs. Your comments will help others on their journey too. They will know they are not alone and others are struggling with the same issues . . . which they are. Your life caddy will respond to these questions and thoughts each week. Each week we will take up one of your issues and provide some insight. A short, sharp response. We’ll make this no-frills support. No fancy pictures. Just straight to the point suggestions as to how you can overcome.
So now there will be two lots of Your life caddy support each week. That’s double the input at no extra cost . . . this is all still free.
Be sure to subscribe to get these extra pieces of input each week.

And how about a success story. Now that we are developing to a space where you are sharing your challenges, send through those positive stories that relate to the blog. It will inspire others and give them hope as they see someone else (just like them), overcome. No lengthy explanations needed – just short and sharp. Honest and authentic sharing is more valuable than making sure your grammar is perfect.
Hopefully you can see the same intention to grow in Your life caddy. Taking a look in the mirror at the input that has been provided this past year and reflecting on how we can provide you with more value.
Let’s begin again, because until now we have done nothing
St Francis of Assisi
Embedded in the blog series is reflection time. They are key to your success. Let the lessons sit with you and make significant change. Don’t go racing ahead. They build on what you have been learning. Learning from one blog may be foundational to another one down the track. None of these burning problems you share have quick fix solutions. They take growth and growth takes time.
Let’s be real about what we want to achieve – prolonged steady growth for you. So don’t go thinking you’re going to rocket up some ladder. Let’s make our growth sustainable, deliberate, targeted. Continued annual growth of just a few percent each year will have remarkable results over the long term – it will provide you compounded growth.
Courses and one-to-one caddying is coming. It will b based on your needs and a format that works for you. For now, make the most of the free input that is available. Input that will grow you, provide you a hope and gain you the outcomes you desire.

Your life caddy
Your life caddy . . . when you need coaching, whether that’s life coaching, business coaching, entrepreneurial coaching or mentoring . . . to reset those attitudes, gain strategies with data driven approaches or build new habits and rhythms to give yourself that performance edge . . . Your life caddy is here for you. Subscribe now to keep up to date with weekly blogs, each one based on burning questions from professionals like you, seeking help.
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