So, there are a range of things that can get your mind in a healthier space. i hope you have found the tools provided in Blog 62 to bridle your mind have been helpful. Remember, applying these habits will take a while and they won’t necessarily work the first time. Be persistent and invest in yourself. Apply these tools to make your mind stronger.
Now, what can you do to be more mindful? +
Here’s some practical activities you can use . . .
- In those times when you are feeling anxious, try some deep breathing – and be conscious of your breathing. Deep slow breaths in and out. Slow yourself down.
- Be observant with your body. What’s happening in these times of anxiety? What’s happening in your body? Be conscious of this. When you are anxious, where do you feel it? Note that.
- Get your body moving – move those big muscles. Get out in the sunshine for a walk or a bike ride or swim.
- Write a journal. It doesn’t need to be every day, perhaps just a couple of times a week. But capture the progress you have been making, the challenges you are facing and the things that make a difference.
. . . and be aware of your senses. Take time to be aware.
- take time to be aware. What do you feel when you touch – hot, cold, sharp, smooth, soft? Be aware. Feel the wind, the warmth of the sun on your face.
- taste – and savour the taste – sweet or sour spicy – mushy, hard?
- What can you see? What is the subtle that surrounds you? Patterns? Watch a leaf flutter in the breeze. The activity of a bird. What is happening around you?
- What can you hear? The little sounds, perhaps those far away. Listen intently.
- What can you smell? Be aware of smells in a range of environments. Find and savour the smells you enjoy
This is just a sampling of things you can do to recentre. A combination of things to change your mind and be more mindful. At the core – look after yourself. And the way to look after yourself . . . is to have a go at centering.

Over to you.
Your life caddy
Your life caddy . . . when you need coaching, whether that’s life coaching, business coaching, entrepreneurial coaching or mentoring . . . to reset those attitudes, gain strategies with data driven approaches or build new habits and rhythms to give yourself that performance edge . . . Your life caddy is here for you. Subscribe now to keep up to date with weekly blogs, each one based on burning questions from professionals like you, seeking help.