Blog 60: Why am I always saying sorry? I feel like I am always making mistakes and am never good enough. PART 3 – Anything else I can do?

Yep. There are a range of things i’d like to leave you with in this three-part series. The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to…failure. John Maxwell, Falling Forward Your life caddy Your life caddy . . . when you need coaching, whether that’s life coaching, business coaching, […]
Blog 24: I have an idea but find myself faced with too many ideas . . . so I have no idea. Using Roko’s Grid to overcome the paradox of choice.

©Inside Retail Do you find yourself stuck in a decision-making loop? You need to make a decision, but which one? And the more choices the harder it seems to be. We lose the capacity to focus on action as we are stuck deciding which idea, which choice. This blog aims to provide you with a […]
Blog 23: At work social and networking events . . . I always find myself alone, lonely and awkward. That feeling of being left out is so painful. Easing the pain, especially for the introverts . . . and a role for extroverts.

©Inc Magazine i know the feelings that gather when i am at a networking event or workplace social. And it’s a common issue with those who are being caddied. If the context is transactional, everything is OK, but the social anxiety that can arise from networking and social work functions can be humiliating, feeling of […]
Blog 20: Self propel . . . we repeat behaviours when they are positively reinforced.

focus on the process and the results will come 2
Blog 19: Reap what you sow. How little things can make a big difference . . . motivating yourself through results – PART 4

This series has focused on how the implementation of small habits can realise great outcomes. The small orange cog (your habits) can move the big blue cog (your outcomes). Small seeds sown can reap a large harvest. There are two parts to this blog to finish our series on ‘Reap what you Sow’. One is […]