Blog 62: Centering PART 2 – calming down in a turbulent season. Bridling the mind.

©Pinterest Who said this would be a three part series? There’s too much good stuff to give you all at once . . . and you won’t reflect on it. So, now we’ll spread it into three parts with mindfulness activities provided next week. This blog is the second of the three-part series aimed to […]
Blog 54: On being weird

©The New Yorker Somewhere along the way i have come to recognize i am weird. But now i recognize this weirdness is OK. i’ve given myself permission to be weird, just as i have given myself permission to be an achiever. And i have the work of James Clear and Craig Groeschel to thank for […]
Blog 49: I’m struggling to say ‘No’. Part 2: I’ve started to apply myself to centering, what else can I do?

©Possibility Change This blog series is for those who have found themselves struggling to say ‘no’. They describe themselves as constantly feeling mentally exhausted and doing things they don’t want to. They worry and find it hard to hold their ground and are buffeted by others who appear much stronger than themselves. In Part 1 […]
Blog 37: Help! I don’t have a clue where my career is going. Help me to map out my career.
©MindManager Blog Who else is struggling knowing how to advance their career? Are you struggling to find the right opportunities for growth and advancement? Do you find you are spinning your wheels in sand and worried your career is going nowhere? It’s time to blaze your own trail. First, let’s clarify where you want to […]
Blog 29: Work-life balance: Who else is finding the struggle between professional and personal life difficult to balance? Part 2: Five things to know.

©Atemi Sports Last week, in Blog 28 we talked about work-life balance being more like a tension than a balance and suggested an Atwood machine reflects the approach. Perhaps the cartoon (above) reflects the tension best as we find sometimes work demands more of us and at other times it is the weight of life. […]
Blog 11: Why doesn’t everyone respond like me, think like me? Know yourself, observe yourself. PART 3: Your cultural invisible scripts

Let’s pick up where we left off last week. i hope the further we have gone in this series the more you’re realizing just how much you don’t know as we have explored the impact of your family on your thinking and how the enneagram revealed the way you and others are driven, and fears […]
Blog 9: Why doesn’t everyone respond like me, think like me? Know yourself, observe yourself. PART 1: Genogram, Enneagram.

Buckle in folks. It’s time to look hard at ourselves. If we want to grow, to change and make a bigger difference, then we need to take a hard look at ourselves . . . identify our blind spots, understand our history, our invisible scripts and come to terms with what drives us. To do […]
Blog 2: On Being Weird

March 1, 2023 Somewhere along the way i have come to recognize i am weird. But now i recognize this weirdness is OK. i’ve given myself permission to be weird, just as i have given myself permission to be an achiever. And i have the work of James Clear and Craig Groeschel to thank for […]