Blog 64: I’ve lost all my drive in life. I know that discipline matters, but how do I get moving when I just don’t feel like it?

©Appreciation at Work This blog is for those who are crying out for this kind of help . . . It sounds like your get up and go has just gone. Let’s first try and understand how you got to this place, then (in PART 2), we’ll provide you some strategies to kick start you […]
Blog 60: Why am I always saying sorry? I feel like I am always making mistakes and am never good enough. PART 3 – Anything else I can do?

Yep. There are a range of things i’d like to leave you with in this three-part series. The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to…failure. John Maxwell, Falling Forward Your life caddy Your life caddy . . . when you need coaching, whether that’s life coaching, business coaching, […]
Blog 59: Why am I always saying sorry? I feel like I am always making mistakes and am never good enough. PART 2 – Enter the pocket sheet

i hope the work you did in blogs 55 to 58 on balancing work and vacation served you well over the Easter break . . . and that you had a good break. Last week we squeezed the oranges; made the most out of your mistakes and errors and letting go of them. You’ve been […]
Blog 58: Why am I always saying sorry? I feel like I am always making mistakes and never good enough.

I am such a klutz. Why am I always saying sorry? Every day just feels like another mistake I have made, an event I am late to, a client who is unhappy or something else I have dropped. What’s wrong with me? To those who feel like they don’t measure up and are often making […]
Blog 57: When it’s time to come back to work . . . regardless of how good that holiday was. Where work meets vacation – PART 3
Now I know you’ve still got a week to go to the Easter vacation. Keep in mind this blog series is about setting you up for healthier holidays. So project yourself forward onto the Easter holiday as you read this blog. You may want to also diary this blog to reread and apply the activities […]
Blog 56: I can’t get work out of my head and it’s ruining my holiday! Here’s how to take that vacation AND sharpen the saw – PART 2

It’s common to find yourself on your annual leave and your mind is filled with work. You can’t escape work; despite the fact you find yourself at the beach or the mountains. And it’s spoiling your vacation which just creates a whole extra layer of stress. i’m not present to my family and friends. And […]
Blog 55: Why do I always work on my holiday? Here’s how to take a vacation and sharpen the saw – as you step towards Easter

We’re a month away from Easter and for nearly all of us there is a long weekend waiting. And maybe for some, this might be the time for your annual vacation. Many of you have shared you don’t like working on your vacation . . . and especially when those close to you comment on […]
Blog 54: On being weird

©The New Yorker Somewhere along the way i have come to recognize i am weird. But now i recognize this weirdness is OK. i’ve given myself permission to be weird, just as i have given myself permission to be an achiever. And i have the work of James Clear and Craig Groeschel to thank for […]
Blog 53: On being coached.

Let’s begin again for up to now we have done nothing. Francis of Assisi Blog 53 marks a turning point in the support being provided by Your life caddy. Each of the blogs for the past year will be revised, improved, sharpened . . . and clear action points included at the end of each […]
Blog 52: That’s a year of caddying blogs – so let’s begin again, for there is so much that can be overcome together

©Good good good And so that is one year of Your life caddy blogs. For those who have journeyed through this past year, i hope you have experienced growth and feel someone ‘gets’ your struggles. The end of this year marks a turning point in the caddying service. Each of the 52 blogs in this […]