Emerging Fijian Leader’s Course

Help is here!!!

Your solution lies in the Emerging Fijian Leader’s course

Is this course for me?

  • Are you hungry to grow and get ahead?
  • Do you need some perspective on life and career?
  • Do you want results . . . now?

Caddying is designed for you to be the hero of your own story.  That’s why we don’t have coaches, we use caddies (like golf).  Your group caddy is ready to assist you in any way possible to make your life successful and meaningful.   They’ll identify needs and offer right solutions.  They will witness your despair and triumph and provide support on your learning journey.

How does it work?

  • Initial 30 minute one-on-one discovery session followed by:
  • Five group sessions of one hour each fortnight.
    • Maximum group size is five participants 
    • Recording of sessions are provided at end of each session
    • Unlimited e mail contact during course duration

Fortnightly meetings provide time to reflect and apply weekly learnings

Five sessions (over 10 weeks) is long enough to change behaviours and embed accountability cadences

You will set the agenda . . . what’s on your mind?  Your caddy will springboard from the discovery session, addressing your burning issues while continuing with the course plan of:

Session 1:  Understanding me and you.  Finding your blind spots (we all have them). Course orientation
Session 2:  Setting compass north.  Life plans and setting up monitors and a cadence of accountability.    What matters most?  What is your rich life?
Session 3:  Trust.  The key pillar to performance.  Building trust habits into your rhythm
Session 4:  Let the math speak.  Being data driven.  Using grids and matrixes
Session 5:  Bringing it together.  You will make a short six minute presentation to the group of your learning journey . . . your ups and downs. 

This is an online course – each participant is expected to be present and visible using the online platform at the designated time each fortnight.  The next group (FJ2404) will commence in February 2025.

Age is no barrier – your caddy is ready to help anyone who desires to get out of the indecision loops and get ahead. 

Each group has a confidentiality expectation

Your investment for the Capacity Building for Emerging Fijian Leaders course is AUD75

Further one-on-one one-hour sessions at AUD50 are available as requested

So what does caddying look like?

  1. A critical friend.  We will hold up a mirror to your practices, rhythms and behaviours
  2. Support you as you find the solutions to your burning questions
  3. Guiding questions to the big picture arc to your chosen professional and personal destination
  4. Identification of your core issues
  5. A way out of your indecision loops
  6. Steps to find a rich and rewarding life
  7. Accountability mechanisms to embed your new practices
  8. Practical steps to embed trust in your rhythms, understanding it is the foundation to your success
  9. Opportunity to learn from others on a similar journey to you.  As you provide input and insight to others, they will do the same for you. 
  10. Recommended readings to accelerate your growth
  11. Confidence building rhythms and indentifiers of results.  Chart your success. 
  12. You will be equipped with strategies – a life toolkit.  If used correctly, it will get you ahead
  13. The strategies to regain control, get on top of life, rather than life being on top of you
  14. You will be listened to

Support as you solve your issues – you can do it!

Enrol Now

Enrol now for this program to get ahead of the pack and win.  Just fill in the form below & click the payment option. You will receive instructions by email for your initial one-on-one session and details of the course for you to diary.

Here’s your guarantee

If you complete the entire course (including set tasks and homework) and can’t identify an improved clarity in your life’s direction; and tools, habits and strategies that will catapult you ahead on life, tools that will shape your success in this next chapter of life . . . i insist that you get 100% of your money back.  i’ll even absorb the credit-card processing fees. It’s this simple . . . join the program and try it for yourself.  Show me you did the work, and if, by 30 days after course completion it doesn’t make a difference, I’ll give you your money back.  No questions asked. 

Now, before you join . . . breathe and just do a double check as to whether this course really is for you. Caddying is not for you if:

  • You’re looking for a magic bullet (an idea or concept that will set you up for life) without putting in the deep and challenging inner-work of being honest with yourself and others around you; being disciplined, tenacious and stepping outside your comfort zone. 
  • You’re simply looking for “motivation” and “inspiration”. i believe the most motivational thing you can do is get RESULTS, so while i aim to be friendly and supportive, i’m ultimately concerned with your success, not if you “like” me

OK, let’s break those cycles and make new habits. To join, just fill in the form below and follow the payment options . . .

Step 1: Complete the Enrolment Form

Step 2: Pay the Enrolment Fee

Fijian Emerging Leader’s Course

A 10 week course to get the results you want in your personal and professional life.
