Blog 50: I’m struggling to say ‘No’. Part 3: Knowing your values and setting your limits

©Pinterest This blog is the third in a series of four on building your assertiveness. i hope you have been showing yourself you matter – by acting your way into a new way of thinking – showing that you value yourself by implementing some practices, practicing saying ‘No” kindly and doing some of those deeper […]
Blog 49: I’m struggling to say ‘No’. Part 2: I’ve started to apply myself to centering, what else can I do?

©Possibility Change This blog series is for those who have found themselves struggling to say ‘no’. They describe themselves as constantly feeling mentally exhausted and doing things they don’t want to. They worry and find it hard to hold their ground and are buffeted by others who appear much stronger than themselves. In Part 1 […]
Blog 48: I’m struggling to say ‘No’. I’m mentally exhausted and find myself doing things I don’t want to do. Why do I agree to stuff I don’t want to?

©Wholebeing Institute Who else is . . . These highlighted points (above) are a common concern amongst those seeking caddying and help. You are not alone. And you can learn some skills to regain control. You don’t have to stay in this exhausting space. It’s time to do some assertiveness work where the first big […]
Blog 47: Help! I’m losing the battle of the e mails – some perspectives and practical things you can do to win

©LinkedIn This three-part series has been designed to help you win the battle of the e mails – to prevent yourself from a feeling of being overwhelmed by too many e mails and develop strategies to feel you are in control. So far we’ve looked at how to keep your inbox to a low level […]