Blog 63: Centering PART 3 – on being mindful. Practical activities for your life’s rhythm.

©Wellmark So, there are a range of things that can get your mind in a healthier space. i hope you have found the tools provided in Blog 62 to bridle your mind have been helpful. Remember, applying these habits will take a while and they won’t necessarily work the first time. Be persistent and invest […]
Blog 61: Centering. PART 1 – for those who feel their world is chaotic and need to calm things down.

©Possibility Change This blog is the first of a two-part series on centering. It’s in response to feedback from those struggling to operate in a tumultuous world. What can I do when my emotions are flying all around the place and I can’t seem to focus? I’m reactive to what is happening around me. How […]