Blog 18: Reap what you sow. How little things can make a big difference . . . make sure it happens, setting your cadence of accountability – PART 3

accountability is the glue that bonds commitment to results
Blog 17: Reap what you sow. How little things can make a big difference . . . finding and embedding the little habits that can have compounding results – PART 2

©Rachel Lance In this series we are trying to help you identify the micro habits you can implement in your personal and professional life that will realise significant impact. Part 1 ended by encouraging you to reflect on your targeted outcomes. i hope you have gained clarity with this. If your target is clear, then […]
Blog 12: I’ve just lost all my confidence. 10 practical things you can do today to build it back. PART 1

That’s a horrible feeling. i hope in this blog you find the tools you need to slowly build back your confidence so you can enjoy life and step into the opportunities that are presented to you. We’ll look at five tools this week and five next, to give you time to mull and apply yourself […]
Blog 1: On Being Coached

February 22, 2023 i was coached last week. It was interesting for the shoe to be on the other foot. What is it like to be coached? Did it help? What helped? And what did i wish for that i didn’t receive?i joined a three-session open-water swim coaching program which was held over two days. […]