Blog 10: Why doesn’t everyone respond like me, think like me? Know yourself, observe yourself. PART 2: Identifying invisible scripts & living on your terms

A key part of getting to know yourself is understanding your invisible scripts, but a word of warning – exploring this space can be painful. Invisible scripts are usually so subtle they’ll pass through your mind completely undetected all the while influencing what you think, say, and do. That’s what makes them so dangerous Ramit […]
Blog 4: I can’t get work out of my head and it’s ruining my holiday! Here’s how to take that vacation and sharpen the saw – PART 2

March 15, 2023 It’s common to find yourself on your annual leave and your mind is filled with work. You can’t escape work; despite the fact you find yourself at the beach or the mountains. And it’s spoiling your vacation which just creates a whole extra layer of stress. i’m not present to my family […]