Blog 7: Why am I always saying sorry? I feel like I’m always making mistakes and am never good enough. PART 2 – Enter the pocket sheet

Last week we squeezed the oranges; made the most out of your mistakes and errors and letting go of them. You’ve been introduced to Growth Mindset . . . now it’s time to build your confidence and deliver great outcomes. The biggest thing we can do is to try and rebuild our confidence. When your […]
Blog 6: Why am I always saying sorry? I feel like I’m always making mistakes and never good enough. PART 1

I am such a klutz. Why am I always saying sorry? Every day just feels like another mistake I have made, an event I am late to, a client who is unhappy or something else I have dropped. What’s wrong with me? To those who feel like they don’t measure up and often making mistakes, […]