Blog 54: On being weird

©The New Yorker Somewhere along the way i have come to recognize i am weird.  But now i recognize this weirdness is OK.  i’ve given myself permission to be weird, just as i have given myself permission to be an achiever.  And i have the work of James Clear and Craig Groeschel to thank for […]

Blog 30:  Work-life balance:  Who else is finding the struggle between professional and personal life difficult to balance?  Part 3:  Five more things to consider for your life’s rhythms.

©People Managing People As promised in Blog 29, this is the last of a three-part blog on maintaining a healthy work-life tension (or balance).  In this blog, the final five habits to consider including in your life’s rhythm to reduce the stress and feel like you are in control.  1. Know your roles If you […]