Blog 62: Centering PART 2 – calming down in a turbulent season. Bridling the mind.

©Pinterest Who said this would be a three part series? There’s too much good stuff to give you all at once . . . and you won’t reflect on it. So, now we’ll spread it into three parts with mindfulness activities provided next week. This blog is the second of the three-part series aimed to […]
Blog 54: On being weird

©The New Yorker Somewhere along the way i have come to recognize i am weird. But now i recognize this weirdness is OK. i’ve given myself permission to be weird, just as i have given myself permission to be an achiever. And i have the work of James Clear and Craig Groeschel to thank for […]
Blog 46: Help! I’m losing the battle of the e mails. Who else suffers from e mail procrastination?

©ADDitude OK, so you have done the hard yards, taken the dive and cleaned up your e mails. How can you make sure you don’t get back to that spot again (overwhelmed by emails and an overflowing inbox)? How do you stay on top in the battle of the e mails? This blog helps you […]
Blog 39: Help! I don’t have a clue where my career is going. Help me to map out my career. PART 3: making a career action plan . . . with feedback loops

The planner provided (above) illustrates our journey through this blog series. Here’s where you should be up to: Now let’s turn this research into an action plan . . . with feedback loops. ©Pathway project Create a journey planner to your target job (backward map) It’s time to move from your possible road map to […]
Blog 32: Time management: When there just doesn’t seem to be enough time and there is plenty to juggle. PART 2: Maximising your Quadrant 2 work life.

©Personal Experience Last week we introduced the Time Management Matrix as a tool to get control of time back in your life and the key to spend as much time as you can in Quadrant 2. We talked about how to minimize the ‘other’ three quadrants (Quadrants 1, 3 and 4). This week we shift […]
Blog 30: Work-life balance: Who else is finding the struggle between professional and personal life difficult to balance? Part 3: Five more things to consider for your life’s rhythms.

©People Managing People As promised in Blog 29, this is the last of a three-part blog on maintaining a healthy work-life tension (or balance). In this blog, the final five habits to consider including in your life’s rhythm to reduce the stress and feel like you are in control. 1. Know your roles If you […]
Blog 27: The one most important thing you can do that makes the biggest impact – build trust. Part 2. How do I build it into my daily routines?

Building trust is a process. Trust results from consistent and predictable interaction over time
Blog 26: The one most important thing you can do that makes the biggest impact – build trust. Part 1

©Strategic Finance In the last blog we suggested that, when asked in an interview what your priority should be in the first 100 days, that building trust is an important focus. This week we drill further into a practical application of building trust, using Paul Browning’s excellent book ‘Compelling Leadership’ as an applicator. This blog […]
Blog 20: Self propel . . . we repeat behaviours when they are positively reinforced.

focus on the process and the results will come 2
Blog 19: Reap what you sow. How little things can make a big difference . . . motivating yourself through results – PART 4

This series has focused on how the implementation of small habits can realise great outcomes. The small orange cog (your habits) can move the big blue cog (your outcomes). Small seeds sown can reap a large harvest. There are two parts to this blog to finish our series on ‘Reap what you Sow’. One is […]