Blog 16: Reap what you sow. How little things can make a big difference . . . linking your outcomes to habits – PART 1

©Quotefancy This week’s blog is about the impact of compounding your actions into small habits that have a significant effect on your organisation’s outcomes (or your personal goals). What are the little things I can do habitually that will make a big difference? The little things that no one sees that produce big results that […]
Blog 15: I’ve just lost all my confidence, a last word (well, for now) . . . aim higher than competency

Sometimes your confidence is buried in feelings of incompetence. The hope today is you can move past that, by understanding competence and creating a new paradigm. So what is competency? The ability to do something successfully or efficiently Oxford Dictionary 2023 Therefore, incompetency is an inability to do something successfully or efficiently. Often our confidence […]
Blog 8: Why am I always saying sorry? I feel like I’m always making mistakes and never good enough. PART 3 – Anything else I can do?

Yep. There are a range of things i’d like to leave you with in this three-part series. ‘The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to…failure’. John Maxwell, Failing Forward your life caddy Your life caddy . . . when you need coaching, whether that’s life coaching, business coaching, […]