Blog 22: It’s time to talk margins . . . a blog for those who are feeling squeezed

Gasping for air? Feeling like you are just rolling from one thing to the next? Never take time off? Skipping lunch breaks? . . . or maybe the tell-tale signs are at another level . . . are you struggling to sleep at night and yet you feel significantly tired? Maybe your key relationships are […]
Blog 4: I can’t get work out of my head and it’s ruining my holiday! Here’s how to take that vacation and sharpen the saw – PART 2

March 15, 2023 It’s common to find yourself on your annual leave and your mind is filled with work. You can’t escape work; despite the fact you find yourself at the beach or the mountains. And it’s spoiling your vacation which just creates a whole extra layer of stress. i’m not present to my family […]