Blog 17: Reap what you sow. How little things can make a big difference . . . finding and embedding the little habits that can have compounding results – PART 2

©Rachel Lance In this series we are trying to help you identify the micro habits you can implement in your personal and professional life that will realise significant impact. Part 1 ended by encouraging you to reflect on your targeted outcomes. i hope you have gained clarity with this. If your target is clear, then […]
Blog 14: I’ve just lost all my confidence. 10 practical things you can do today to build it back. PART 2

Back to the series on how to build your confidence, picking up from Blog 12, providing you 10 practical things you can do today to build your confidence back. This week, the last five. 1. Stack Wins i’m sure you’ve had wins in your past. Try to capture those. When have you performed well and […]
Blog 8: Why am I always saying sorry? I feel like I’m always making mistakes and never good enough. PART 3 – Anything else I can do?

Yep. There are a range of things i’d like to leave you with in this three-part series. ‘The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to…failure’. John Maxwell, Failing Forward your life caddy Your life caddy . . . when you need coaching, whether that’s life coaching, business coaching, […]
Blog 5: It’s time to come back to work . . . regardless of how good that holiday was. Where work meets vacation – PART 3

OK, so your holiday is winding up. For some, the skills and attitudes we have discussed in ‘Your Life Caddy’ these past couple of weeks have made a significant difference. For others, perhaps you only made small gains . . . but celebrate that. Improvement is a journey. Catch the small habits and rhythms that […]
Blog 4: I can’t get work out of my head and it’s ruining my holiday! Here’s how to take that vacation and sharpen the saw – PART 2

March 15, 2023 It’s common to find yourself on your annual leave and your mind is filled with work. You can’t escape work; despite the fact you find yourself at the beach or the mountains. And it’s spoiling your vacation which just creates a whole extra layer of stress. i’m not present to my family […]