Blog 35:  Time management:  When there just doesn’t seem to be enough time and there is plenty to juggle.  PART 5:  Making sure you make space for the ‘not important’ in a balanced life

©Week Plan This is the last of series of five blogs on time management and again the focus is on your personal life.  This blog may seem counter intuitive.  All of the blogs in this series have been encouraging you to live in Quadrant 2 by reducing the non-important items that consume your time.  However, […]

Blog 34:  Time management:  When there just doesn’t seem to be enough time and there is plenty to juggle.  PART 4:  Maximising your Quadrant 2 personal life . . . three more aspects needing your attention.  

©#inkology quote instagram This is the fourth blog on time management with at least one more to come.  The feedback has been that this is an aspect that folk struggle with and i get it . . . if you can make more time, then you could do more, enjoy life more.  The theme through […]