Blog 27: The one most important thing you can do that makes the biggest impact – build trust. Part 2. How do I build it into my daily routines?

Building trust is a process. Trust results from consistent and predictable interaction over time
Blog 26: The one most important thing you can do that makes the biggest impact – build trust. Part 1

©Strategic Finance In the last blog we suggested that, when asked in an interview what your priority should be in the first 100 days, that building trust is an important focus. This week we drill further into a practical application of building trust, using Paul Browning’s excellent book ‘Compelling Leadership’ as an applicator. This blog […]
Blog 25: When you are in an interview and asked . . . What would you do in your first 100 days? Answers that matter.

©Home Murphy Bros Decorator Cork i have had this interview question come up in a few caddying encounters of late. i guess the ‘100 Days’ question must be the flavour of the month when it comes to interviewing professionals and executives. This question is particularly included in management and leadership interviews. Even if you don’t […]
Blog 2: On Being Weird

March 1, 2023 Somewhere along the way i have come to recognize i am weird. But now i recognize this weirdness is OK. i’ve given myself permission to be weird, just as i have given myself permission to be an achiever. And i have the work of James Clear and Craig Groeschel to thank for […]