Blog 65: Other people are getting ahead of me. I’m being left behind. What can I do? PART 1

©Shutterstock First, don’t panic. Your work life isn’t a race that’ll be over in a minute. This is a longer game. But these feelings can result in a sense of panic as you feel you’re getting left behind. You are turning up to work each day and lasting the slog. It’s just those around you […]
Blog 53: On being coached.

Let’s begin again for up to now we have done nothing. Francis of Assisi Blog 53 marks a turning point in the support being provided by Your life caddy. Each of the blogs for the past year will be revised, improved, sharpened . . . and clear action points included at the end of each […]
Blog 45: Help! I’m losing the battle of the e mails

©New Tech Northwest Is this you? Feeling overwhelmed by e mails and a sense that you’re on a slippery, muddy slope where you will never get to the top? Feeling out of control and can’t see a way through the battle of the e mails? This blog provides some practical things you can do to […]
Blog 43: Why am I unlucky? Nine things you can do to make your own luck – a three part series – PART 2

©QuoteFancy Feeling unlucky at work can be challenging and debilitating, but there are several strategies you can try to improve your situation and boost your morale. Last week we provided three suggestions and today, three more. Now keep in mind the way these blogs are designed is to provide you with space between blogs to […]
Blog 37: Help! I don’t have a clue where my career is going. Help me to map out my career.
©MindManager Blog Who else is struggling knowing how to advance their career? Are you struggling to find the right opportunities for growth and advancement? Do you find you are spinning your wheels in sand and worried your career is going nowhere? It’s time to blaze your own trail. First, let’s clarify where you want to […]
Blog 27: The one most important thing you can do that makes the biggest impact – build trust. Part 2. How do I build it into my daily routines?

Building trust is a process. Trust results from consistent and predictable interaction over time
Blog 26: The one most important thing you can do that makes the biggest impact – build trust. Part 1

©Strategic Finance In the last blog we suggested that, when asked in an interview what your priority should be in the first 100 days, that building trust is an important focus. This week we drill further into a practical application of building trust, using Paul Browning’s excellent book ‘Compelling Leadership’ as an applicator. This blog […]
Blog 19: Reap what you sow. How little things can make a big difference . . . motivating yourself through results – PART 4

This series has focused on how the implementation of small habits can realise great outcomes. The small orange cog (your habits) can move the big blue cog (your outcomes). Small seeds sown can reap a large harvest. There are two parts to this blog to finish our series on ‘Reap what you Sow’. One is […]
Blog 18: Reap what you sow. How little things can make a big difference . . . make sure it happens, setting your cadence of accountability – PART 3

accountability is the glue that bonds commitment to results
Blog 17: Reap what you sow. How little things can make a big difference . . . finding and embedding the little habits that can have compounding results – PART 2

©Rachel Lance In this series we are trying to help you identify the micro habits you can implement in your personal and professional life that will realise significant impact. Part 1 ended by encouraging you to reflect on your targeted outcomes. i hope you have gained clarity with this. If your target is clear, then […]