Blog 48: I’m struggling to say ‘No’. I’m mentally exhausted and find myself doing things I don’t want to do. Why do I agree to stuff I don’t want to?

©Wholebeing Institute Who else is . . . These highlighted points (above) are a common concern amongst those seeking caddying and help. You are not alone. And you can learn some skills to regain control. You don’t have to stay in this exhausting space. It’s time to do some assertiveness work where the first big […]
Blog 46: Help! I’m losing the battle of the e mails. Who else suffers from e mail procrastination?

©ADDitude OK, so you have done the hard yards, taken the dive and cleaned up your e mails. How can you make sure you don’t get back to that spot again (overwhelmed by emails and an overflowing inbox)? How do you stay on top in the battle of the e mails? This blog helps you […]